Maths Crossword

  1. 1. turning point is aka ____
  2. 3. ____ over run
  3. 5. line of symmetry
  4. 6. a change to a shape
  5. 8. the box's ____ are: width = 2m and length = 3m
  6. 9. D = ____
  7. 11. ||
  8. 13. 🧭
  9. 14.
  10. 16. Pythagoras ___
  11. 17.
  12. 18. one after another
  13. 19. to make something bigger
  1. 2. ax+b
  2. 4. process of ____
  3. 7. moving a shape is _____
  4. 8. °
  5. 10. √8
  6. 12. In a^2+b^2=c^2, what is c?
  7. 14. ◢|◣
  8. 15. measurement of how tall something is
  9. 17. (9,12)