Sir Isaac Newton Cross Word

  1. 2. Named one of the greatest minds in the ______ century.
  2. 5. Isaac Newton was pulled out of school to become a _________.
  3. 6. He was knighted by Queen _________.
  4. 7. His birthday was also said in the ________ calendar way.
  5. 9. Newton had how many kids?
  6. 10. He discovered __________.
  7. 11. He was born too _________.
  8. 12. He was named after his father who ________ before Newton was born.
  1. 1. He built a reflection __________.
  2. 3. Newton created _________ laws of motion.
  3. 4. He wrote and published his book called __________.
  4. 8. He had a lot of ________.
  5. 10. Newton had to go live with his ________.