
  1. 1. A short distance away
  2. 5. Of big size
  3. 8. Intentional and thoughtful
  4. 12. Near the water's surface
  5. 15. Describes something said in a low voice
  6. 16. To place words on paper
  7. 18. Very hard to lift or move
  8. 19. A low height
  9. 20. To open one's mouth and talk
  10. 22. Organized and neat
  11. 24. To close one's mouth and hear
  12. 25. Describes someone who works hard
  13. 26. Too heavy to stay on a surface
  14. 27. Easy to lift and move
  15. 29. To study words on paper
  16. 30. Describes someone who avoids work for rest
  1. 2. Of tiny size
  2. 3. To complete manual labor
  3. 4. Off-kilter or curved
  4. 6. To relax after work
  5. 7. Without elegance; a klutz
  6. 9. Describes something said in a raised voice
  7. 10. A great distance away
  8. 11. Far below the water's surface
  9. 13. Light enough to stay on a surface
  10. 14. Precisely aligned with no slouching
  11. 17. A high height
  12. 21. To go from a place
  13. 23. To get to a place
  14. 28. Disorganized