  1. 6. a place to create art
  2. 8. protective piece of equipment
  3. 10. Not certain
  4. 12. a disinfectant
  5. 16. social justice movement
  6. 17. Kicked out of the country
  7. 20. A way people decide on political leaders
  8. 21. a worker that is needed
  9. 22. small sized string instrument
  10. 23. through the use of electronic devices
  11. 24. Latin percussion played with hands
  1. 1. a social responsibility
  2. 2. staying home
  3. 3. virtual meeting
  4. 4. President on trial
  5. 5. wide spread virus
  6. 7. The group you isolate with
  7. 9. new way to pickup items at the store
  8. 11. to clean and kill bacteria & viruses
  9. 13. tiny particles in the air
  10. 14. most college graduates carry this
  11. 15. a common pet
  12. 18. action when the election results are disputed
  13. 19. medium sized string instrument