2020 Christmas Crossword Puzzle-2

  1. 2. Meadow and Handbook
  2. 5. Birth to Grave
  3. 7. Study
  4. 8. science of how compounds interact with each other
  5. 10. not old and calculations (the opposite of subtractions)
  6. 13. family legacy
  7. 14. Definite Article and the plural generic name for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and previously Pluto
  8. 15. electronic code; not analogue
  9. 16. science of astronomy combined with the science of matter
  1. 1. Last name of OWL
  2. 2. Establishing dads of our country
  3. 3. melodic and tuneful
  4. 4. Earthly marvels
  5. 6. infinite creation or the winner of the manly strength contest: Mr. ___________.
  6. 9. Bibliotheca and Every school has one
  7. 11. coursing or flowing
  8. 12. science of matter
  9. 16. possessive form of USA