2020 crossword puzzle

  1. 2. what zoom function allows people to see your face
  2. 4. The year where a pandemic started and many people had their jobs, education, and summers disrupted or ruined
  3. 6. What do we wear to decrease our chances of getting Covid-19
  4. 9. What is Covid-19 classified as
  5. 10. the object used as extra protection against Covid-19
  6. 12. What zoom function makes it to where people can't hear anything picked up by your microphone
  7. 14. the device we've been mainly using for school
  1. 1. what zoom function is used to give a quick response without talking or typing
  2. 3. What season is causing people to worry about Covid-19 cases drastically increasing
  3. 5. We lost a few days of school due to what putting out our power in September.
  4. 7. the system students used to check their grades
  5. 8. The scientific name of the 2020 pandemic
  6. 11. The zoom function that allows others to see your computer screen
  7. 13. the accursed system that would never work properly and always have some kind of error that cause problems for both students and educators alike.
  8. 14. what zoom function allows you to type and view other people's messages