2020 top events (and some random global topics)

  1. 2. if you eat this type of food every week then you shouldn't be scared of a vaccine (really quick food)
  2. 4. Mr. Brent usually says "we got a ______ one today"
  3. 8. this company made lots of money due to online shopping during covid; also a river in s. america
  4. 11. both online and in person schooling in fall of 2020
  5. 12. winner of popular votes in 2016 but lost electoral votes
  6. 18. this type of "college" votes in the president
  7. 19. When you are scared, you might run. The US had a conflict with this country in early January
  8. 20. Trump's stimulus plan was providing how much money to the American people? $2...
  9. 22. OG squad of 2020; don't be jealous (1x100-93)
  10. 23. this type of wrld died right before 2020
  1. 1. a disease that spreads throughout major countries and/or the world
  2. 3. #8 and #24, famous celebrity killed in a helicopter crash in January
  3. 5. a scientific protection against a virus; developed by the end of 2020
  4. 6. something extra (21+ joke); name for the virus that spread in early 2020
  5. 7. this type of party usual is controversial; blue v. red; T v. B
  6. 9. this bill(law) was signed by President Trump to provide a "response" in the nation's economy; each person received a certain amount of money to boost economy
  7. 10. every 4 years
  8. 13. winner of electoral and popular votes in 2020
  9. 14. north and south; north-eastern Africa; papyrus
  10. 15. COronaVIrusDiseas that started in 2019
  11. 16. this type of smoke died in february
  12. 17. wearing this has become as normal and necessary as wearing a seatbelt
  13. 21. this celebrity should run for president; the...; F&F; can you smell what he's cookin?