Medical Terminology- Chapter 2

  1. 1. Toxic to living cells
  2. 4. Pertaining to the front
  3. 5. Toward the head
  4. 8. Pertaining to the middle
  5. 10. Pertaining to lower or below
  6. 11. Destruction, dissolution, or separation of calls
  7. 12. Toward the tail
  8. 15. Pertaining to the back
  9. 16. Toward the middle or center
  10. 18. pertaining to a nucleus
  11. 19. Tumor composed and cartilage
  12. 21. Separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue
  13. 22. Instrument or counting and measuring cells
  1. 2. Pertaining to the neck of the body or the neck of the uterus
  2. 3. Pertaining to a point away from attachment or origin
  3. 6. Pertaining to the back
  4. 7. Pertaining to the belly side( front of the body)
  5. 9. Pertaining to the abdomen
  6. 11. Pertaining to the cranium or skull
  7. 13. Pertaining to the side
  8. 14. Specialist in the study of tissue
  9. 17. Pertaining to above or upper (part of the body, organ, or structure)
  10. 20. Study of cells