- 1. Toxic to living cells
- 4. Pertaining to the front
- 5. Toward the head
- 8. Pertaining to the middle
- 10. Pertaining to lower or below
- 11. Destruction, dissolution, or separation of calls
- 12. Toward the tail
- 15. Pertaining to the back
- 16. Toward the middle or center
- 18. pertaining to a nucleus
- 19. Tumor composed and cartilage
- 21. Separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue
- 22. Instrument or counting and measuring cells
- 2. Pertaining to the neck of the body or the neck of the uterus
- 3. Pertaining to a point away from attachment or origin
- 6. Pertaining to the back
- 7. Pertaining to the belly side( front of the body)
- 9. Pertaining to the abdomen
- 11. Pertaining to the cranium or skull
- 13. Pertaining to the side
- 14. Specialist in the study of tissue
- 17. Pertaining to above or upper (part of the body, organ, or structure)
- 20. Study of cells