Natural resources

  1. 4. energy in the form of heat from within the Earth
  2. 5. we use this method to create energy from atoms
  3. 7. is formed with the remaining of animals and plants that have been here over one million years
  4. 9. energy obtained from the Sun
  5. 10. this gas is colorless and odorless, and a very strong greenhouse gas
  6. 11. organic material made from plants and animals
  1. 1. the renewable energy source that produces the most electricity in the United States
  2. 2. wind _______ directly harness wind power and convert it to electricity
  3. 3. Natural gas is used mostly to produce ______ energy
  4. 6. this recourse takes millions of years to be produced
  5. 8. a necessity of life (resource) which can regenerate quickly and that is replaceable