Respiratory System

  1. 1. Warms and moistens air
  2. 7. Smaller subdivisions off each bronchi
  3. 9. Diffusion of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide between the bloodstream and the lungs
  4. 10. Air sac responsible for gaseous exchange
  1. 2. Gas our body needs to survive
  2. 3. Sheet of muscle that contracts to breath in
  3. 4. Windpipe with 18 rings of cartilage providing a passageway for air from your voice box to bronchi
  4. 5. Passageway for air that splits off into the left and right lung
  5. 6. Filters and traps dust from the air
  6. 8. Muscles between each rib that contracts to move each rib cage during breathing
  7. 11. Pair of breathing organs