Simple and Compound Machines

  1. 4. the midpoint in a lever where the machine pivots is also called the __________________
  2. 6. a ____________________________________ uses a rope and wheel to carry heavy items (example: a well)
  3. 8. on our playground we have a slide that spins as it meets the ground - this is an example of a _____________
  4. 10. a rolling chair has _______________ and axles on the bottom to help in move easily across the floor
  5. 12. cars, bicycles, and wheelbarrows are all examples of a wheel and _____________
  1. 1. all machines require _________________ to use
  2. 2. a combination of two or more simple machines is called a ___________________ machine
  3. 3. an ________________________ makes moving things upward easier (example: a ramp)
  4. 5. scissors are an example of a complex machine - it combines two wedges and a ________________
  5. 7. simple machines are meant to make work _____________________
  6. 9. an axe is an example of a __________________ because it can split things
  7. 11. there are _____________ types of simple machines