- 2. cell engulfs microorganisms
- 8. master biological cell
- 9. white blood cell
- 10. large number infected people-global impact
- 11. blood protein binds to foreign substances
- 12. global health response
- 13. immune response against person's own tissues
- 15. disease causing microogranism
- 16. provides immunity to particular infectious disease
- 20. hospital acquired infection
- 21. Fluid circulates throughout lymphatic system
- 22. compromised or absent immune response
- 1. specific immunity through pathogen exposure
- 3. large number infected people-regional impact
- 4. lymphocyte for humeral response
- 5. prevents immune response
- 6. white blood cell made of B-Cell/T-Cells
- 7. non-specific immunity
- 11. foreign substance stimulates antibody production
- 13. agent can cause an allergic response
- 14. U.S. agency tracks & investigates public disease
- 17. normal immune response
- 18. lymphocyte for cell mediated response
- 19. severe whole-body allergic reaction