Natural Resourcess

  1. 5. A black liquid formed underground that is a fossil fuel.
  2. 8. a resource that cannot be replaced at the same rate it is being used.
  3. 10. Something that formed in NATURALLY and exists in nature.
  4. 11. A fossil fuel that is burned. It is a black or brown rock.
  5. 12. Any material made by plants or animals that can be converted into energy.
  6. 13. Nonrenewable resources that formed millions of years ago and are remains of living things.
  7. 15. Natural resources can be ______ or nonliving.
  1. 1. Heat from the Earth's core that is turned into energy.
  2. 2. flowing water captured and then turned into electricity.
  3. 3. Energy in the form of heat and light.
  4. 4. Moving air created as the heats Earth's surface.
  5. 6. Cars, houses, electronics and some medicines are all _______.
  6. 7. a resource that can be replaced quickly or never run out.
  7. 9. a tool that humans use to do things.
  8. 14. something that is man made.