Dairy Cattle Review

  1. 3. Breed's milk is high in fat content and commonly used to make very rich dairy products.
  2. 4. This dairy product is great on toast.
  3. 5. partially digested food that is regurgitated into the mouth and rechewed so that it can pass to the rest of the digestive system.
  4. 6. evaluating fatness or thinness according to a five-point scale.
  5. 7. When the cow is having trouble moving on its feet and legs.
  6. 9. this compartment is considered the “true stomach” and is where digestive chemicals are added for the chemical breakdown of food.
  7. 12. Castrated male bovine
  8. 13. An animal’s _______ is the area directly behind them, where they cannot see.
  9. 14. Breed makes up more than 90% of dairy cattle in US (excellent milk production).
  10. 17. Ruminant digestive system has ________ compartments to its stomach
  11. 21. a hole into the rumen which is used for cattle feed research.
  12. 23. An animal turns away when a handler enters its ________ zone.
  13. 25. when the pH level of a ruminant animal remains acidic for an extended period of time.
  14. 26. Breed that produces high-quality milk, popular in manufactured products (Ice cream, cheese, cottage cheese not just used in milk production.)
  15. 27. The ___________ zone is when an animal turns to face the “threat”.
  16. 30. this is the largest section of the ruminant stomach which contains microbes that process feed and help break down fiber.
  17. 31. Breed known for it's versatility, docile temperament, easy calving & longevity.
  18. 32. Female cattle that has NOT had a calf
  19. 33. young cattle
  20. 34. the form or structure of an animal.
  21. 36. Breed that's protein content of milk is great for cheese industry.
  22. 38. the process of breaking down food
  23. 39. This parlor is a large circle that rotates.
  1. 1. This period of time is when a cow is should not be milked.
  2. 2. Dairy product made in class.
  3. 4. Intact male, able to breed
  4. 5. the action by which an individual loses use of the testicles
  5. 6. a condition in livestock animals where excessive gases build up in the rumen.
  6. 8. This is Mrs. Davis's favorite dairy product.
  7. 10. Dairy product that is perfect with cookies.
  8. 11. Inflammation of the mammary glands, which is usually caused by bacteria.
  9. 15. This is a better teacher than Mrs. Davis.
  10. 16. Heavy whipping cream can be shaken enough to turn into this dairy product.
  11. 18. This dairy product is delightful on mashed potatoes.
  12. 19. also called the “honeycomb”, this chamber serves as an area to sort feed coming from the mouth and remove any foreign objects from the feed prior to passage into the rumen.
  13. 20. Breed that is ranked 1st in fat content (milk popular for ice cream).
  14. 22. There are ________ types of digestion: mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.
  15. 24. An animal moves in the opposite direction when a handler crosses the __________.
  16. 28. When an individual still has the ability to reproduce
  17. 29. Female cattle that HAS had a calf
  18. 35. this compartment works to take feed that has already been broken down in the rumen and remove water as it passes into the final compartment.
  19. 37. a digestive disorder characterized by extreme diarrhea in young animals.