- 3. Partial or complete loss of sensation usually by injection or Inhalation
- 5. Disorders of the endocrine glands, such as sterility, diabetes, and thyroid problems
- 10. Effects of aging and age-related disorders
- 15. nephrology
- 17. self
- 18. hematology
- 21. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including preventing disorders and restoring function
- 22. Pregnancy and childbirth
- 26. process of visual examining
- 27. Dermatology
- 28. Diseases related to the structure and function of the kidney
- 30. Cardiology
- 32. Gerontology
- 35. oncology
- 36. study of
- 37. Disorders of the blood and blood-forming organs
- 38. Eye examinations. eye diseases, and surgery
- 1. Rheumatic diseases (acute and chronic conditions characterized by inflammation and joint disease)
- 2. abnormal, painful, difficult
- 4. Urinary tract disease and disorders of the male reproductive system
- 6. Disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
- 7. neurology
- 8. Endocrinology
- 9. Diseases and injuries of the sking concerned with skin cancer prevention
- 11. Gastroenterology
- 12. Diseases of children from birth to adolescence, including wellness checks and vaccinations
- 13. condition, method, process
- 14. disease condition
- 16. inflammation
- 19. Ophthalmology
- 20. Mental illness, clinical depression, and other behavioral and emotional disorders
- 23. process of cutting, incision
- 24. Digestive tract and related structural diseases, a subspecialty of Digestive internal medicine
- 25. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels and cardiovascular surgery, a subspecialty of internal medicine
- 29. record
- 31. Examination of tissues cells, and body fluids for evidence of disease
- 33. Tumors, including benign and malignant conditions
- 34. excision, surgical removal