
  1. 3. television programmes that are broadcast using satellites in space
  2. 7. a machine that records messages from people who telephone you when you are not there
  3. 10. a short pin with a wide flat top, used for fastening paper to a board
  4. 11. a system of heating buildings in which heat is produced in one place and taken to the rest of the building by pipes
  5. 14. a system of providing electricity
  6. 15. a telephone that you can carry with you and use anywhere
  7. 17. television programmes that are broadcast from the earth, not though space using a satellite
  8. 18. a machine that you get money from using a plastic card, especially in a wall outside a bank or supermarket
  9. 20. a machine at the side of a road which you put money into when you park your car beside it
  1. 1. pictures and sound that are made for a film or television programme to make it seem as if something exciting or impossible is really happening
  2. 2. a system of broadcasting television by using cables under the ground
  3. 4. a machine that washes clothes
  4. 5. a machine that cleans floors by sucking uo the dirt from them
  5. 6. a machine that you put coins into to play a game and try to win money
  6. 8. a large ship used for carrying oil
  7. 9. a new part for a vehicle or machine, that is used to replace a part that is damaged or broken
  8. 12. a light in the shape of a tube filled with a gas, used i electric lights and sings
  9. 13. a very small computer that you can hold in your hand
  10. 16. a small plastic card that you use to buy goads or services and psy for them later
  11. 19. a piece of equipment for playing records