Maths Revision

  1. 2. Distance from the centre of a circle to its circumference
  2. 4. 0.5 or 50%
  3. 5. The most popular number in a set
  4. 6. A value less than zero
  5. 8. The inside space of a 2D shape
  6. 10. A number that divides into another number exactly
  7. 12. 0.25 or 25%
  8. 15. To make larger
  9. 16. The average of a set of numbers
  10. 17. Numbers only divisible by 1 and its self
  11. 18. Device used to measure angles
  12. 21. All the way around a circle
  1. 1. To make smaller
  2. 3. All the way around a 2D shape
  3. 7. Device used in maths to aid calculations
  4. 9. Device used to measure short lengths
  5. 11. A way of counting in groups
  6. 13. Two quantities have the same value
  7. 14. A line that passes trough a circle that goes though the centre
  8. 19. The largest number take away the smallest in a set
  9. 20. The middle value in a set