Pre-AP Chemistry Gas Law Review

  1. 9. Represented by the letter n
  2. 10. Represented by the letter T
  3. 12. States that Volume1 ÷ Temperature1 is equal to Volume2 ÷ Temperature2
  4. 13. States that Pressure1 ÷ Temperature1 is equal to Pressure2 ÷ Temperature2
  5. 16. States that P(total) is equal to P1 + P2 + P3 and so forth
  6. 18. States that Volume1 ÷ #of Moles1 is equal to Volume2 ÷ #of Moles2
  7. 19. Represented by the letter R, can be 8.31 or .08206
  8. 20. Temperature scale that is directly proportional to average kinetic energy of particles
  1. 1. States that Pressure1 x Volume1 ÷ Temperature1 is equal to Pressure2 x Volume2 ÷ Temperature2
  2. 2. Represented by the letter V
  3. 3. Temperature scale that is the freezing point of water at 0 degrees and the boiling point of water at 100 degrees
  4. 4. States that Pressure x Volume is equal to the # of Moles x Rate x Temperature
  5. 5. The weight of one mole of a substance
  6. 6. Unit of pressure equivalent to the number of millimeters of Mercury in one atm
  7. 7. Abbreviated form of the unit of pressure measured in millimeters of Mercury
  8. 8. States that the product of Pressure1 x Volume1 is equal to the product of Pressure2 x Volume2
  9. 11. The rate at which gas escapes from a container
  10. 14. 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atm
  11. 15. Represented by the letter P
  12. 17. Temperature scale that was invented to create easily readable thermometers