F L O W E R S !

  1. 2. Often mistaken for their romantic counterpart.
  2. 4. The _____ originates from a Persian word meaning "turban" because of its turban shape.
  3. 6. Pretty... But also pretty poisonous!
  4. 8. One flower head has hundreds of flowers. Buy one get hundred free? This should've been Singapore's national flower.
  5. 10. There's an International Flower Day? When is it??
  1. 1. As is its colour, as is its scent.
  2. 3. Flowers don't naturally occur in this colour!
  3. 5. Smells like... Green tea? (FL Zone has one too!)
  4. 7. This flower can be given as a baby shower gift!
  5. 9. A 15th Century English civil war was named after this flower.