Crossword Puzzle about Diabetes and International Diabetic Federation (IDF) Submitted By: PRAVEENKUMAR.M, Staff Nurse Guided By: Prof. (Dr). HEMA.V.H, Principal, Faculty of Nursing, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai.

  1. 1. rapid acting Insulin
  2. 4. in siddha system diabetes is named as
  3. 6. increased blood glucose level reduce the ability of the cell to absorb glucose from blood
  4. 7. the instrument used in ENT to assess Diabetic neuropathy
  5. 10. common complication that occur in diabetic client in skin integrity
  6. 12. the most common and dangerous adverse effect of insulin is
  7. 15. the theme for the year 2020
  8. 16. a clinical assessment test that is performed to ensure the blood supply to lower extremities
  9. 17. cells that secrete insulin
  10. 19. the rotating pattern of insulin administration is a method to prevent
  11. 20. organ that secretes the hormone that regulates blood sugar level
  12. 23. the hormone that regulates the blood glucose level
  13. 27. who first discovered the insulin
  14. 28. are the two types of diabetic retinopathy
  15. 29. storage form of glucose
  1. 2. major complication of gestational diabetes
  2. 3. the device that delivers insulin based on blood glucose level
  3. 5. the patient who have nocturnal hypo and hyperglycemia is manifested as
  4. 8. the generation of glucose from a non-carbohydrate substrate is
  5. 9. excessive thirst and volume of dilute urine is the sign of
  6. 11. major symptom of diabetic retinopathy
  7. 13. the month to diabetes awareness
  8. 14. insulin dependent diabetes is also termed as
  9. 18. the major aim of IDF is to spread
  10. 21. 3p's of Diabetes Polyuria, polydipsia
  11. 22. care to prevent skin integrity
  12. 24. ketoacidosis cause elevated level of this level in blood
  13. 25. fbs 100 to 125mg/dl of a client then he is considered as
  14. 26. an example of Biguanites