EM Radiation

  1. 6. - images in a mirror are laterally __________
  2. 7. - best subject in the world
  3. 8. - Time taken for one full cycle of a wave
  4. 11. - The maximum displacement of a point on a wave from its undisturbed position
  5. 14. - for diffraction to happen, the wavelength needs to be ________ to the opening
  6. 15. - An example of a transverse wave
  7. 17. - When waves travel through a medium, the ___________ oscillate
  8. 20. - X-rays and Gamma rays are both used to treat cancer because they are _________
  9. 22. - fancy name for "per second"
  10. 23. - Number of waves per second
  11. 24. - Surname of breathtaking and magnificent human being
  12. 25. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum with the longest wavelength
  13. 26. - Light is refracted when it travels into a more dense medium because the light changes _______
  14. 27. - transferred by waves
  15. 29. - The name for the line draw at 90 degrees (perpendicular) from a surface
  16. 31. - this radiation is absorbed by water molecules
  17. 32. - The units for wavelength
  1. 1. - Frequency x wavelength =
  2. 2. - Type of wave where the particle movement is parallel to the direction of the energy transfer of the wave
  3. 3. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum where exposure to too much can increase risk of skin cancer
  4. 4. - All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed through a _______
  5. 5. - The angle of _______ is always equal to the angle or reflection
  6. 9. - _______ are removed from atoms by ionising radiation
  7. 10. - spreading of waves when they pass through an opening
  8. 12. - Type of wave where the particle movement is perpendicular to the direction of the energy transfer of the wave
  9. 13. -Distance between two identical points on a wave
  10. 16. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum used in fibre optics
  11. 18. - The section of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by all hot objects
  12. 19. - An example of a longitudinal wave
  13. 21. - A use of visible light
  14. 28. - When light travels into a more dense medium it bends ________ the normal
  15. 30. - not transferred by waves