Laws of Cybercrime Crossword

  1. 3. the process by which criminals attempt to conceal the illicit origin and ownership of the proceeds of their unlawful activities.
  2. 7. Any illegal activity already in the criminal code committed by using a computer.
  3. 9. The use of the computer to sabotage computer networks vital to national welfare.
  4. 10. Area of the law which concerns computers and computer related crime.
  5. 11. manufacture of false money for gain, a kind of forgery in
  1. 1. mailing or electronically transmitting something associated with fraud.
  2. 2. A crime that involves using a computer to steal computer data stored in a digital format.
  3. 4. A crime in which a cyber criminal falsely adopts the identity of another computer user in order to commit fraud.
  4. 5. The communication via computer or other electronic device of false data that damages a person's reputation.
  5. 6. Provides for criminal prosecution of individuals who engage in copyright infringement. electronic theft
  6. 8. Protecting the rights of people's original creative