Be Excellent To Each Other

  1. 4. Little Ted
  2. 5. Alex
  3. 7. Rufus's Gym Teacher
  4. 12. Keanu
  5. 15. The Band
  6. 16. Bass player
  7. 19. The Brother
  8. 20. Most
  9. 22. George
  10. 23. Little Bill
  11. 24. A mineral?
  12. 25. The Mentor
  13. 27. Strange Things are afoot at the
  1. 1. The Princesses
  2. 2. Air
  3. 3. The twins
  4. 6. A short dead dude
  5. 8. "...I mean, mom"
  6. 9. The Journey
  7. 10. William Stanley Preston, Esq
  8. 11. Noah's Wife
  9. 13. What number are we thinking of?
  10. 14. Iron
  11. 17. The Adventure
  12. 18. Dust. Wind. [....].
  13. 21. Non-Non-Non-Non-
  14. 24. Theodore Logan III
  15. 26. The Music