  1. 2. what wood is Draco Malfoy's wand made from?
  2. 4. what is Ginny's Boggart?
  3. 5. Magazine run by Loona Lovegood
  4. 7. a male house-elf who served the House of Black?
  5. 9. what is the spell for summoning bids
  6. 10. for Harry's 17th birthday, what colour did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley’s crabapple tree?
  7. 12. Which fruit do you tickle in a painting to get into the Hogwarts kitchens?
  8. 15. harry and friends went to the Quidditch World cup to see Ireland compete against which country
  9. 17. who runs the Three Broomsticks pub?
  1. 1. in the Philosopher's Stone, what animal falls out of Christmas cracker Harry pulls?
  2. 3. Voldemort stole Helga Hufflepuff's cup from an old woman named Hepzibah Smith. What was the name of her house-elf?
  3. 6. what is Fred Weasley's chosen code name on Potterwatch, the secretive radio program set up by the Order of the Phoenix?
  4. 8. what is the rarest Patronus?
  5. 11. what are Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and a cloak of invisibility?
  6. 13. who is the wizard who works on the bus
  7. 14. what was the name used by James Potter in the Marauder’s Map?
  8. 16. what is Neville's mum called?
  9. 18. ginny Weasley bought a pet Pygmy Puff from her older brothers' joke shop. What did she name it?