
  1. 2. , Usually have it with cereal
  2. 4. , Some are healthy and some are not
  3. 7. , cant have anything with wheat
  4. 10. , Some people take this to lose weight
  5. 11. , Red meat (beef, lamb, pork Chicken skin.
  6. 12. ,food nutrients that your body turns into glucose
  7. 14. , To much will cause Diabetes
  1. 1. , Something A, B, C, D, E, K
  2. 3. , plants that are sweet and sour
  3. 5. ,sugar which is an important energy source in living organism
  4. 6. ,carrot broccoli cucumber capsicum
  5. 8. , sugar found naturally in milk
  6. 9. , Found in meat
  7. 13. , Things that come from animal