Fire Technology and Arson Investigation

  1. 1. a flame produced by nuclear weapons with fire flame.
  2. 5. This trail can leave a distinct mark on the floor of fire scene
  3. 9. Able to ignite and burn
  4. 13. a cylindrical device turning on an axis around which a fire hose is connected.
  5. 15. Refers to any action taken by the fire fighter to remove occupant /person from the building/hazard to a safety place.
  6. 16. the mechanism in which fire can spread from its origin to other sources of fuel.
  7. 21. a materials used as final coating of a surface for ornamental or protective purposes.
  8. 23. Encountered in an arson case and can be identified when sufficient identifying characteristics are present in the impression and a suspected tool has been recovered.
  9. 24. A heat transformed by a circulating medium either gas or a liquid
  10. 28. the visible path of fire on a surface or surfaces
  11. 30. Unrelated fire in different place of same structure is indication off?
  12. 32. Two lengthwise members of a trussed ladder beam which separated by truss or separation blocks.
  13. 33. Any person actually occupying and using a building or portions thereof by virtue of a lease contract with the owner or administrator or by permission or sufferance of the latter.
  14. 34. Chipping or pitting of concrete or masonry surfaces
  15. 35. This catalytic combustion device is the most common employed to detect flammable vapors
  16. 36. A passage hall or ante chamber between the outer doors and the interior parts of a house or building.
  17. 37. Very often, the odor of ozone may be detected and lightning is often accompanied by sound.
  18. 39. any condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the occurrence of fire or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with firefighting operations and the safeguarding of life and property.
  19. 41. To break into discrete atoms, usualy by the apllication of extreme heat, as in atomic absorption
  20. 42. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or fire escapes.
  21. 45. The person who holds the legal right of possession or title to a building or real property.
  22. 46. Mark left by fire, smoke, and soot on structure and devices
  23. 49. It is made up of fine particles and condensed vapor as consequence of combustion.
  24. 50. A side rail bar of ladder
  25. 51. Refers to any person who acts as agent of the owner and manage the use of building for him
  1. 2. The portion of a roadway or public way that should be kept opened and unobstructed at all times for the expedient operations of firefighting units.
  2. 3. Refers to fuel, heat and oxygen.
  3. 4. The process of determining the origin, cause and responsibility as well as the failure analysis of fire or explosion.
  4. 6. A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an electrical system.
  5. 7. A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valve and other equipment are stored and arrange for fire fighting
  6. 8. A process where impurities and, or deleterious materials are removed from a mixture in order to produce a pure element of compound. it shall also refer to partial distillation and electrolysis.
  7. 10. It is the sequence of exothermic chemical reaction between fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and conversion of chemical species.
  8. 11. The lowest temperature at which liquid fuel produces a flammable vapor.
  9. 12. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system.
  10. 14. A self propagating chemical reaction in whict activation on one molecule leads successfully to the activation of many others.
  11. 17. a process where a piece of metal is heated prior to changing its shape or dimensions.
  12. 18. A finely powdered substance which when mixed with air in the proper proportion and ignited will cause an explosion.
  13. 19. a heat transferred by direct contact from one body to another.
  14. 20. Refine petroleum used as fuel for internal combustion engine
  15. 22. The ability of a material to transfer energy from one place to another .
  16. 25. A hot piece or lump that remains after a material has partially burned and is still oxidizing without the manifestation of flames.
  17. 26. It is melting or fusing of metallic ores or compounds so as to separate impurities from pure metals.
  18. 27. a kind of stable explosive compound which explodes by percussion.
  19. 29. It is the chemical decomposition of matter through the action of heat
  20. 31. Intentional or malicious destruction of property by fire.
  21. 38. Substances or mixtures of substances consisting of a fuel and an oxidizer used to initiate fire
  22. 40. It is the evolving of heat and light by combustion
  23. 43. a return to flaming combustion after incomplete extinguishment of a fire reigning at some time after being put out.
  24. 44. Any act that would remove neutralize fire hazard
  25. 47. a heat transferred with energy travels through space or materials as waves.
  26. 48. The means by which burning started