Primary Songs

  1. 2. _____ one another
  2. 3. Follow the _____
  3. 5. Search, ponder and ... ? Act it out
  4. 7. What do we take in the chapel each Sunday?
  5. 9. Red, yellow & blue
  6. 11. Book of _______ stories
  7. 12. Whose children are we?
  8. 13. Who can be together forever?
  1. 1. Who showed courage?
  2. 2. Teach me to walk in the _______
  3. 4. We are as the armies of _________
  4. 6. Who are we trying to be like?
  5. 7. I feel my _______'s love
  6. 8. I like to look for _______
  7. 10. Jesus wants me for a _______