The Outsiders

  1. 2. When Pony arrives home after curfew, Darry __ him.
  2. 3. Johnny rejects a visit from his __
  3. 8. The main rule of the big fight is no
  4. 9. Darry works jobs to keep the family together.
  5. 11. what had Darry been voted in high school?
  6. 12. What did Ponyboy use to change the color of his hair?
  7. 14. ponyboy is upset that Soda __ out of school.
  8. 17. where did dally tell the cops the johnny and ponyboy fled to?
  9. 18. How do Johnny and Ponyboy get to Jay Mountain?
  10. 20. The boys sneak into the __ because it is illegal.
  1. 1. what Car did the Socs drive who jumped Johnny
  2. 4. where does ponyboy met cherry?
  3. 5. what town did Ponyboy and johnny run away to after murdering bob?
  4. 6. what saved Ponyboy from being badly burned?
  5. 7. who was murdered by Johnny?
  6. 10. what Drink does ponyboy say he is addicted to like a drug
  7. 13. Which Group fights the greasers?
  8. 15. Whos parents are dead?
  9. 16. Who rode with Ponyboy in the ambulance to the hospital?
  10. 19. what inch blade did johnny use to murder bob?
  11. 21. Cherry is a __ for the Greasers.