Fun Section

  1. 3. _____ virus
  2. 5. We love our school ____!
  3. 8. our town
  4. 11. red + yellow
  5. 13. It is so ____ outside!
  6. 15. Go, ____, Go!
  1. 1. Our mayor is ___ Humphries.
  2. 2. ______ players dribble a ball.
  3. 4. We are learning fractions in ___!
  4. 6. I love to ____!
  5. 7. Maroon and ____
  6. 9. We just got back from ____ break.
  7. 10. I like to play ____ during recess!
  8. 12. I love to draw during ___ class!
  9. 14. Don't sit directly in front of someone during ____.