EECE3120 Assignment 1

  1. 4. Document containing important course information
  2. 5. The name of the arbitrary waveform generator in WaveForms
  3. 10. For an oscilloscope, this dictates when to acquire and display data
  4. 11. In MultiSim, the process of automatically making a connection if a component pin touches another component pin or wire. This feature can be disabled
  5. 12. This component of a power supply prevents current within the device from going above a certain threshold value in order to protect various components within the instrument
  6. 14. Any data and observations made in lab should be documented in the lab notebook ____ after the work was performed
  7. 17. When CH1 and CH2 of the power supply are used in ____, the output voltage capacity doubles
  8. 20. A draft lab report that should be completed before performing the lab
  9. 22. Keyboard key used to capture what is currently on the computer screen
  10. 23. The section of the lab report that contains the student's name, the course name and section, the lab title, and the bench assignment
  11. 25. The power supply will switch to ____ operation when the current level reaches the output current setting
  12. 26. Last name of the author of "Writing the Laboratory Notebook"
  13. 28. Unit used to measure frequency
  14. 36. The written record of observations and measurements made during laboratory experiments
  15. 37. Contains buttons for various functions that can be performed in MultiSim
  16. 38. The process of matching the oscilloscope passive probe to the input characteristics of the channel it is connected to in order to avoid measurement errors
  17. 42. The time it takes to traverse one complete wavelength of a signal
  18. 43. The best means of communication when face-to-face or Zoom communication is not practical
  19. 45. This section of the lab report provides the theoretical background information needed for the experiment
  20. 46. MultiSim virtual emulation of the behavior of a circuit
  21. 47. Measurements and observations should be recorded in the lab notebook using a ____ with blue or black ink
  22. 49. Videos and instructions that demonstrate or explain how to perform a given function or task
  23. 51. A MATLAB variable that consists of real and complex numbers contained within a two-dimensional grid
  24. 52. The section of the lab report in which results are analyzed and compared to theory
  1. 1. This is a brief section of the lab report used to explain the most important lessons learned from the experiment
  2. 2. The section of the lab report that contains an overview and summarizes the main conclusions of the lab
  3. 3. The oscilloscope function used to add a comment to the screen
  4. 6. MATLAB is an abbreviation for ____
  5. 7. EECE.2070, EECE.2080, and EECE.3110 are ____ to this course
  6. 8. The application used with the Analog Discovery that contains a GUI for using virtual instruments
  7. 9. The key to press on the AFG1022 Function Generator to find the serial number of the instrument
  8. 12. Must be worn on campus to help try to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  9. 13. Within the lab report, this section contains a list of all the hardware used during the experiment
  10. 15. The height of a waveform
  11. 16. The section of the lab report dedicated to citing all resources used
  12. 18. When CH1 and CH2 of the power supply are connected in ____, the output current capacity doubles
  13. 19. A drawing or diagram representing a circuit
  14. 21. In MultiSim, this can be created by clicking on any pin of any part and then routed to another component
  15. 23. In this mode of power supply operation, the current is smaller than the output current setting so current will fluctuate
  16. 24. Coming to the assigned labs and lab lectures as expected
  17. 27. Combining arrays to make larger ones
  18. 29. The first few pages of the lab notebook dedicated to giving a brief description of the contents on each page of the lab notebook
  19. 30. On the oscilloscope, these are horizontal and vertical markers that determine the x and y values at a given position on a waveform
  20. 31. Programming software used in this course to create figures and perform computations
  21. 32. Anything over 30V
  22. 33. A breadboard-mounted voltage source
  23. 34. MATLAB function used to generate graphical figures
  24. 35. EECE.3660 is a ____ to this course
  25. 39. In MATLAB, a sequence of characters enclosed by single quotes
  26. 40. A special type of matrix denoted by capital letter I
  27. 41. The process of an oscilloscope receiving a signal
  28. 44. Printed circuit board
  29. 48. Sine, square, ramp, pulse, and noise are examples of ____ that can be created using the function generator
  30. 50. In MultiSim, the process of reflecting a component in its current position