- 3. Organism that uses solar energy or chemical energy (some bacteria) to manufacture the organic compounds it needs as nutrients.
- 6. web, Complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships.
- 7. runoff, Water flowing off the land into bodies of surface water.
- 10. cycle, Biogeochemical cycle that collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water.
- 14. Organism that digests parts of dead organisms.
- 16. consumer, Animals that feeds on animal-eating animals.
- 17. Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.
- 20. level, All organisms that are the same number of energy transfers away from the original source of energy that enters an ecosystem.
- 21. Animal that can use both plants and other animals as food sources.
- 22. respiration, Complex process that occurs in the cells of most living organisms.
- 23. cycle, Cyclic movement of carbon in different chemical forms.
- 28. Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.
- 31. Thin outer crust that contains most of the earth's rock, soil, and sediment.
- 32. Water-saturated layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock.
- 33. Gets its organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues of producers or of other consumers.
- 34. consumer (herbivore), Organism that feeds on some or all parts of plants or on other producers.
- 1. All the water on Earth's surface.
- 2. Innermost layer of the atmosphere.
- 4. cycle, Cyclic movement of phosphorus in different chemical forms.
- 5. effect, Natural effect that releases heat in the atmosphere near the earth's surface.
- 8. cycle, Cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemical forms.
- 9. Organic matter produced by plants and other photosynthetic producers.
- 11. Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms.
- 12. Water that sinks into the soil.
- 13. of energy flow (trophic pyramid), Diagram representing the flow of energy through each trophic level in a food chain or food web.
- 15. Complex process in the cells of green plants that captures light energy and converts it to chemical bond energy.
- 18. primary productivity, Rate at which an ecosystem's producers capture and store a given amount of chemical energy as biomass in a given length of time.
- 19. Second layer of the atmosphere.
- 24. chain, Series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one.
- 25. cycle (biogeochemical cycle), Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms from the nonliving environment to living organisms and then back to the nonliving environment.
- 26. Zone of the earth where life is found.
- 27. Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.
- 29. consumer (carnivore), Organism that feeds only on primary consumers.
- 30. primary productivity, Rate at which all the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy.