Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch. 1-9

  1. 1. (adj.): feeling and showing offense and annoyance (145)
  2. 3. (n.): a very large or powerful thing; a sea monster (biblical)(118)
  3. 5. (n.): confidence or a show of confidence intended to impress (138)
  4. 8. (n.): the condition of being annoyingly slow to understand; not sharp or pointed, blunt (125)
  5. 11. (adj.): curious (177)
  6. 12. (adj.): intangible; unable to be felt by touch (65)
  7. 14. (adj.): proper; well-behaved (11)
  8. 16. (n.): hatred (10)
  9. 18. (adj.): ridiculous (85)
  10. 19. (adj.): mysterious; incomprehensible (51)
  11. 21. (adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175)
  12. 22. (n.): a large number (65)
  1. 1. (adj.): not allowing fluid to pass through; unaffected by (137)
  2. 2. (adj.):penitent; sorry (52)
  3. 4. (adv.): regrettably; sadly (84)
  4. 6. (adv.): shyly; timidly (116)
  5. 7. (adj.): mad; insane (174)
  6. 9. (adj.): secretive; stealthy (19)
  7. 10. (adj.): expressing contempt or ridicule (94)
  8. 13. (v.): to offer (3)
  9. 15. (n.): opposition; resistance (54)
  10. 17. (adv.): in a rebellious manner (122)
  11. 20. (adj.): implicit; unspoken, but understood (58)