Get To Know Me!

  1. 2. my favorite drink
  2. 3. my favorite ice cream flavor
  3. 4. BuzzFeed says my personality most resembles a(n) ____ (animal)
  4. 7. my favorite animal
  5. 8. my dream place to travel
  6. 11. my favorite condiment
  7. 13. favorite football team
  8. 14. my favorite fruit
  9. 16. favorite dessert
  10. 17. what musical was i in?
  11. 20. what tv show do I want to be on
  1. 1. my favorite little
  2. 3. my childhood nickname was ____
  3. 5. are you ready to meet me? (the answer is heck yes!)
  4. 6. my dream job in elementary school
  5. 9. restaurant that I eat out most at
  6. 10. my favorite color
  7. 12. the top thing on my bucket list
  8. 15. my least favorite thing to touch
  9. 18. my favorite book
  10. 19. i used to be allergic to _____