Civil War Crossword

  1. 3. Name given to the loyal states in the United States. This group was also called the North.
  2. 7. the Northerns used this term to describe their rivals (the South).
  3. 9. The southern states that no longer wanted to be part of the United States chose to do this.
  4. 10. A soldier that gets wounded, is missing, or has been killed.
  5. 12. This Slave Act let slave owners bring back their slaves that tried to escape to their freedom.
  6. 14. Name for the South or Confederate States of America.
  7. 15. A war that occurs between citizens of the same country.
  8. 17. Name of the most popular rifle during the Civil War.
  9. 19. Being owned by another person and doing labor and chores for them.
  10. 20. Worn by Civil War soldiers, a cap.
  1. 1. The Southerns used this term to describe their rivals (the North).
  2. 2. To bring together for a purpose or action in a situation
  3. 4. A collection of guns and weapons.
  4. 5. Places where battles are being fought.
  5. 6. A small infused explosive that can be released and exploded on enemy troops.
  6. 8. An area controlled by a state.
  7. 11. A person that tries to eliminate slavery.
  8. 13. To move something from one place to another.
  9. 15. An artillery gun that is large and is usually on wheels.
  10. 16. Trying to stop supplies or people from going out or into port.
  11. 18. A safe place that protects you from the enemy.