  1. 2. water that has changed to gas
  2. 4. anything that takes up space and has mass
  3. 6. how something looks,feels,smells,tastes
  4. 8. does not have its own shape but has its own volume
  5. 10. two or more kinds of matter mixed evenly
  6. 11. space tool for comparing mass
  7. 13. matter that has its own shape and volume
  8. 14. matter that does not have its own shape or volume
  9. 15. how much space matter takes up
  10. 17. gas changes to a liquid
  11. 18. liquid changes to a gas
  1. 1. how hot or cold something is
  2. 3. amount of matter in something
  3. 5. change that forms a different kind of matter
  4. 7. change in the way matter looks, but not the kind
  5. 9. one way matter exists:solid,gas
  6. 12. tiny building block of matter
  7. 16. made of two or more kinds of matter