Civil War Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Commander of Confederate States Army
  2. 5. Known as “the North,” fought for reunification in the Civil War
  3. 6. 16th president of United States, Issued Emancipation Proclamation
  4. 7. Commander of Union Army 18th president of United States
  5. 8. Confederate secret agent, assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford Theater on April 14, 1865
  6. 9. Site where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant
  7. 10. Confederate strategy to withhold cotton from Europe to force European countries to support Confederacy
  8. 12. War in the United States caused by the differing views on slavery between the free states and slave states
  9. 13. Union victory that ended Robert E. Lee’s plan to invade the North
  10. 15. AKA Battle of Hampton Roads, at Hampton Roads, Virginia, first naval battle between ironclad warships
  1. 1. Naval blockade of Confederate littoral, did not end the war but weakened the South
  2. 3. Issued by President Abraham Lincoln, that delcared all slaves rebelling against the Union were free, shifted focus of Civil War from preserving Union to ending slavery
  3. 4. Brutal Union general, employed scorched earth policy
  4. 11. Conscription act that called for males 20-45 years old to register for war
  5. 14. Capital of Confederate States, provided weapons and supplies