- 2. Commander of Confederate States Army
- 5. Known as “the North,” fought for reunification in the Civil War
- 6. 16th president of United States, Issued Emancipation Proclamation
- 7. Commander of Union Army 18th president of United States
- 8. Confederate secret agent, assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford Theater on April 14, 1865
- 9. Site where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant
- 10. Confederate strategy to withhold cotton from Europe to force European countries to support Confederacy
- 12. War in the United States caused by the differing views on slavery between the free states and slave states
- 13. Union victory that ended Robert E. Lee’s plan to invade the North
- 15. AKA Battle of Hampton Roads, at Hampton Roads, Virginia, first naval battle between ironclad warships
- 1. Naval blockade of Confederate littoral, did not end the war but weakened the South
- 3. Issued by President Abraham Lincoln, that delcared all slaves rebelling against the Union were free, shifted focus of Civil War from preserving Union to ending slavery
- 4. Brutal Union general, employed scorched earth policy
- 11. Conscription act that called for males 20-45 years old to register for war
- 14. Capital of Confederate States, provided weapons and supplies