Simple Machines

  1. 2. wheels and axles with a groove around the outside
  2. 4. A simple machine that is wide at one end and pointed at the other to help cut or split other objects.
  3. 7. The fixed point around which a lever pivots
  4. 9. A combination of two or more simple machines.
  5. 10. The transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move. =Force (F) x Distance (D)
  6. 12. Tools that make work easier by allowing us to push or pull over increased distances. They give us the advantage by changing the amount, speed, or direction of forces.
  7. 13. a disk that turns around axis and transfers force to and from an axle
  1. 1. a flat surface that is higher on one end
  2. 3. A stiff bar that moves about a fixed point
  3. 5. Force that acts in the opposite direction to the way an object wants to move.
  4. 6. The force needed to move a load. Also called applied force or input force.
  5. 8. A push or pull on an object.
  6. 11. an inclined plane wrapped around a shaft or cylinder