government abbreviations

  1. 2. meteorologists are employed here
  2. 3. I make sure your food is healthy
  3. 5. the welfare state
  4. 8. the military's department
  5. 10. I, the attorney general, am its head
  6. 11. movement management
  7. 13. safety on the road
  8. 16. need a mortgage? I'm there for you
  9. 18. helping the backbone of the American economy
  10. 19. the government's spies
  11. 21. emergency management is the name of our game
  12. 22. tell the truth, businesses
  1. 1. to infinity...and beyond!
  2. 4. eradicating terrorism in the U.S.A
  3. 5. I help you get a house
  4. 6. organizing the federal bureaucracy
  5. 7. insurance for the banks
  6. 9. think national parks
  7. 12. building dams on the Tennessee River
  8. 14. Anthony Fauci
  9. 15. from field to food
  10. 16. flying nationally
  11. 17. I'm the army's pension planner
  12. 20. they collect taxes
  13. 21. getting farmers in debt since 1933