Halloween Words

  1. 3. Hateful, loathsome
  2. 6. Shockingly cruel or brutal
  3. 7. Magical
  4. 9. An evil spirit or ghost
  5. 11. Fear
  6. 13. Exceptionally bad or displeasing
  7. 14. Causing fear and panic
  8. 16. A body that is embalmed, dried, and wrapped for burial
  9. 18. Terrible; Causing fear or dread
  10. 19. Enjoyment
  11. 21. Cast a spell over someone or something
  12. 22. The disembodied spirit of a dead person
  1. 1. A falling temperature and causing chills
  2. 2. Causing fear or dread
  3. 4. The feeling of lively joy
  4. 5. A small, ugly, mischievous supernatural creature
  5. 8. A loud, long cry made by animals like wolves
  6. 10. Lacking in liveliness, surprise, or charm
  7. 12. Inhabited by ghosts, ghouls, and other supernatural creatures
  8. 15. A large pot used for boiling
  9. 17. Threatening evil or danger
  10. 20. An area of land used for burials