Community Kindness Crossword

  1. 3. the name of our first spirit dress-up day (first word only)
  2. 5. the virtual way we send out birthday cards
  3. 6. where teachers' newsletters can now be found (no space)
  4. 11. the committee that spreads happiness and cheer
  5. 12. the name of the currently proposed program that will replace G&T (first word only)
  6. 13. the group providing us with professional development on data, assessments, and differentiation
  7. 15. teachers can log into this system and see their observation reports
  8. 20. alphabetically, Q300's last core value
  9. 21. teachers display their slides on this board
  10. 23. the name of the machine that all teachers and staff dread since it's always breaking
  11. 24. "Eat ___!" This is 601's chant. It is also a doughy snack found at Jewish delis
  12. 25. If we collect and analyze data through multiple methods, teachers will be able to use that data to drive instruction and differentiate to meet students on their levels. (What is this statement?)(no space)
  1. 1. the reason we had our last half day (last word)
  2. 2. this person recently visited our school (last name only)
  3. 4. fill out this form if a student is absent for 2 or more consecutive days (second word)
  4. 7. we are measuring this with state tests this year
  5. 8. the test that a lot of the 8th graders are taking on December 2
  6. 9. the name of the social-emotional screener
  7. 10. the way that the previous chancellor closed his emails (no space)
  8. 12. teachers use this to showcase student work (no space)
  9. 14. ___ charts - every teacher knows that these are impossible to create without receiving student complaints
  10. 16. the platform that contains students' IEPs
  11. 17. the way that the current chancellor closer her emails (no space)
  12. 18. the "t" in MTSS stands for this
  13. 19. Election Day was this kind of learning day for students
  14. 22. the name of the academic diagnostic we administered for Reading and Math (grades 3-8)