
  1. 1. Country where Voltaire was from.
  2. 3. During the enlightenment applied reason and logic to all aspect of society including ________
  3. 7. Enlightened thinker who believed government's job was to protect natural rights (life, liberty and property)
  4. 8. ____________ rights that you are inherently born with.
  5. 10. Wrote "The Social Contract". Believed the only good government was freely formed by the people and guided by the general will of society
  6. 11. Believed in ending torture and the death penalty for criminals
  7. 13. Belief in God on rational grounds.
  8. 15. Many kingdoms in Europe were still ruled by ______________ ______________.
  1. 2. In Europe during the 1600s and 1700s there was more food, less deaths, more trade. The times were ______________
  2. 4. to gain new knowledge or information
  3. 5. Many people in Europe learned how to read and began sharing ____________.
  4. 6. Believed people had the right to freedom of thought, religion and expression.
  5. 9. Also known as the age of enlightenment
  6. 12. Country where John Locke was from.
  7. 14. Wollstonecraft Wrote: The Vindication of the Rights of Women