Mental Health

  1. 4. Mania of happy and depressed.
  2. 8. Am i being watched?
  3. 9. Only in winter.
  4. 11. Addiction to drink
  5. 13. Complicated, related to psychosis.
  6. 14. Can't cope
  7. 16. Being by ones self.
  8. 19. an unusual type of self-harm
  9. 20. Stressful or frightnening events
  10. 21. Being stuck in a pattern.
  1. 1. Intentionally damaging oneself.
  2. 2. A state we all enter.
  3. 3. Irrational Fear
  4. 5. After birth.
  5. 6. Looks like a panic attack.
  6. 7. Had enough, ready to end.
  7. 8. Post stressful events
  8. 10. Constantly collecting.
  9. 12. communication skill
  10. 15. Unable to control oneself.
  11. 17. understanding someones feelings
  12. 18. feeling sorry for someone