APUSH Chapter 20-21 Puzzle Part 2

  1. 3. United States Army officer, defeated Robert E. Lee in the Battle of Gettysburg.
  2. 4. Northern Democrats who obstructed the war effort by attacking Abraham Lincoln.
  3. 6. A coalition party of pro war Republicans and Democrats to defeat antiwar Northern Democrats.
  4. 7. Declared all slaves in rebelling states to be free.
  5. 9. Union Soldier, Unites States Senator
  6. 12. Constitutional amendment prohibiting all forms of slavery.
  7. 14. Major General in the Confederate States Army.
  8. 15. Civil War Union General.
  1. 1. 18th U.S. president.
  2. 2. George B. McClellan's failed effort to seize Richmond.
  3. 5. Assassinated Abraham Lincoln.
  4. 8. William Tecumseh Sherman's destructive march through Georgia.
  5. 10. Commander of the Confederate States Army.
  6. 11. Abraham Lincoln's famous speech delivered at the dedication at the Gettysburg Battlefield.
  7. 13. Brutal clashes between Ulysses S. Grant's and Robert E. Lee's Armies.