Fall/Winter Exam Review

  1. 3. creation stories in Deuteronomy
  2. 4. Hebrews led out of Egypt
  3. 5. authority of the Church
  4. 7. what the author intended for us to know
  5. 8. lived a righteous and holy life
  6. 10. God wants _____ from us
  7. 13. fulfillment of Abraham's covenant with God
  8. 14. final stage in Scripture development
  9. 16. passed down via oral and written tradition
  10. 19. Genesis shows God to be
  11. 20. Greek translation of OT
  12. 21. first five books of the OT
  13. 22. creation has...
  14. 23. moses' relative who gave him advice
  15. 25. 12 sons of Jacob
  16. 26. OT predicting the NT
  1. 1. another name for stories of sin
  2. 2. a type of understanding involving history and personal factors
  3. 5. Moses received the 10 Commandments
  4. 6. the first Christians
  5. 9. how people and events point to the mystery of Christ
  6. 11. first patriarch in the OT
  7. 12. not to be taken literally
  8. 15. Hebrews hid their face when this happened
  9. 17. angel of death
  10. 18. it is important to know this for interpretation purposes
  11. 24. creation stories in Genesis