Natural Disasters

  1. 5. Winds in South and Southeast Asia that bring wetness in the spring and dryness in the winter
  2. 7. A sudden shaking of the ground
  3. 9. A hole in the ground that is formed when soil and rocks are washed away by flowing water.
  4. 10. A spinning, very powerful storm that can occur on land (tornado) or water (hurricane).
  1. 1. A severe snow storm with strong winds and low visibility.
  2. 2. A tropical storm in the regions of the Indian or Pacific oceans.
  3. 3. An unusually long time with no rainfall resulting in water shortage.
  4. 4. Eruptions, When magma, ash, rocks, and gases explode from the Volcano, which is a vent in Earth’s crust.
  5. 6. A tropical storm with fast winds, usually occurring in the Atlantic ocean
  6. 8. A giant wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor