Congress Review

  1. 2. To manipulate the boundaries
  2. 4. The person who currently holds the office
  3. 7. Current President of the Senate
  4. 10. Special Committees of Congress
  5. 11. an action such to prolonge a vote
  6. 14. Model of Representation where Congressperson does what he thinks the people want.
  7. 15. Number of members in the Senate
  8. 16. Current Speaker of the House
  9. 18. Minimum age you have to be to be a Senator
  10. 19. Term length for House members
  1. 1. Permanent committees of Congress
  2. 3. Term length for Senate members
  3. 5. Model of representation where the Congressperson see himself as being trusted to make the decisions he thinks best.
  4. 6. Where Congress is created in the US Constitution
  5. 8. the process of dividing the 435 memberships,or seats, in the U.S. House of Representatives among the 50 states.
  6. 9. Minimum Age you have to be to be a House
  7. 12. Current House Minority Leader
  8. 13. A mixture of all of the models of representation.
  9. 17. Model of representation where the Congressperson does what the party wants.