Mangrove Mystery Nature Trail

  1. 5. Skipping through the mud, waddling in the sand, this is the life!
  2. 11. Fishy leaves, droopy fruits
  3. 12. I make fishes more vibrant
  4. 13. To be deduced
  5. 14. Whether a seed or spore, It sure is a stick in the mud
  6. 15. Hey brothers & sisters, let's go weave something
  7. 16. Not everyone can climb while sidewalking
  8. 18. Why aren't there any black and white bears where I flow
  9. 19. I may not be as delicious as my cousin but I do build nice apartments
  1. 1. Gunslinger from the sea, accurate and deadly
  2. 2. To be deduced
  3. 3. Dessert underneath nature's roof, anyone?
  4. 4. Largest reptile in the world, no joke.
  5. 6. Furry little nut eaters, so common you see them everywhere
  6. 7. To be deduced
  7. 8. A diligent white-collar hunting for fish every 9am to 5pm
  8. 9. To be deduced
  9. 10. No one dislikes us as much as cotton planters
  10. 17. pointing those tippy toes as I fly