
  1. 2. influence, work on 영향을 미치다
  2. 4. 바지 부분 위로 불룩 튀어나온 뱃살
  3. 7. director, 처장, 장관
  4. 8. 집계하다 gather, acquire, collect, accumulate
  5. 10. very popular, prevail, 성행
  6. 14. passenger, daily traveller, 통근자
  7. 15. to be more than(something or something) in number
  8. 17. slaughter 살육, 대량학살
  9. 18. 침, 타액
  1. 1. widespread, prevalent, pervasive, universial, 전국적인 유행병
  2. 3. (공식적 통계)수치, 숫자, (얼굴)윤곽선
  3. 4. modest(적당한), mild(가벼운), reasonable,
  4. 5. very fat, very overweight n. obesity
  5. 6. 득점하다
  6. 9. 반복적인
  7. 11. contagious, infectious 감염
  8. 12. 만성적인 long-term, incurable, long-standing
  9. 13. announce,issue 발표하다 (영화 등)개봉, (음반,서적)출시. 발매
  10. 14. group of people who are chosen to make rules, law of decisions about
  11. 16. (TV, computer)화면, 모니터, 추적 관찰하다