  1. 2. the core of the Theory of Caring is that “humans cannot be treated as objects and that humans cannot be separated from self, other, nature, and the larger workforce”
  2. 9. the Deliberative Nursing Process Theory stresses the reciprocal relationship between patient and nurse
  3. 10. In the caritative caring theory, the substance and core of caring is described as 'to care is to tend, play and learn in faith, hope and love'
  4. 11. she established the 21 Problems of Nursing Theory
  5. 15. she formulated the Transcultural Nursing Theory
  6. 16. made the system model diagram that breaks down into the four concepts of the meta-paradigm of nursing
  7. 17. the Care, Core, and Cure emphasizes the patient's needs above all else and elevates the importance of nurturing patients
  8. 18. Expanding Consciousness Theory states that people cannot be divided into parts
  9. 19. the Behavioral System Model is the idea that "all the patterned, repetitive, purposeful ways of behaving that characterize each person's life
  10. 20. the Theory of Unitary Human Beings' goal of nurses is to participate in the process of change
  1. 1. Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs
  2. 3. created the Human Becoming Theory of Nursing, which guides nurses to focus on quality of life from each person's own perspective as the goal of nursing
  3. 4. the basic concept of the Theory of Goal Attainment is that the nurse and patient communicate
  4. 5. the Grand Theory of Human-to-Human Relationships provides nurses with a foundation necessary to connect therapeutically with other human beings
  5. 6. in her Interpersonal Theory and Nursing Process, she considers nursing to be a “significant, therapeutic, interpersonal process”
  6. 7. in her Environmental Theory, she believed that a healthy environmental was fundamental for healing
  7. 8. Adaptation Model, which states that the goal of nursing care is to promote patient adaptation.
  8. 12. Geneneral System Theory is a complex of interacting elements and that they are open to, and interact with their environments
  9. 13. the Theory of Self-Care Deficit contains the five methods of helping
  10. 14. developed a concept theory known as “From Novice to Expert”