Circulation and Respiration

  1. 1. Receives blood from all the parts of the body
  2. 4. The grape like clusters of air sacs in the lungs
  3. 5. The tube that connects the throat and bronchi (hint: Fork in the road)
  4. 7. What we breathe out
  5. 9. Keeps blood from flowing backwards
  6. 10. A type of blood cell that has no nucleus
  7. 12. Movement of the particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration
  8. 14. Always carries deoxygenated blood towards the heart
  9. 15. Receives blood from the lungs
  10. 16. The many little branches of respiratory system
  1. 1. Pumps blood to the lungs
  2. 2. Contains hemoglobin which gives its red color
  3. 3. Small blood vessels with thin walls that are wrapped around alveolares
  4. 6. Always carries blood away from the heart
  5. 8. Pumps blood to all the parts of the body
  6. 10. 90% water 55% fluid 45% cells and 10% sugar, waste, and nutrients
  7. 11. The two large lightweight organs of the respiratory system
  8. 12. The large band of muscle that controls the size of the chest cavity (hint: at the bottom of the rib cage)
  9. 13. What we breathe in